Women+ of Tech Banner


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Glass House, 450 Kendall Street, Cambridge, MA

November 30, 2023

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Parking: Ample meter space parking around Kendall Square and on First Street. Additionally, there is a private lot at Pilgrim Parking, 350 Kendall Street.


Connect with Inspiring Women+ Leading the Way in the Tech Industry 

iuvo's Women+ of Tech Event is open to any women+ who are passionate about tech and want to build their skills, innovate, and create a supportive community. Dive into an evening designed to inspire, empower, and create a community that thrives on innovation and collaboration. 

Event Highlights: 

  • Inclusive Community: No matter your role – be it a marketer, customer service rep, product manager, or any other position within tech – this event is for you. 
  • Learn & Connect: This isn't just an event, it's a platform. Engage with like-minded peers, gain insights from their journeys, and foster meaningful connections that can help you navigate the tech landscape. 
  • Beyond Barriers: Address and overcome challenges faced by women+ in tech. This event is more than just networking – it's about building a collective that uplifts and supports one another. 
  • Refreshing Conversations: Enjoy deep discussions, share experiences, and don’t forget to treat yourself to the complimentary refreshments we have lined up! 

Space is limited. Seize this chance to be part of a transformative evening dedicated to women+ in tech. Reserve your spot now! 

Register Now

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